As you know, i tend to keep things simple and i have to say that as i am evolving (well yes i think i do anyway) i'm getting less into technical issues and more into the models pose, looks, mood, look & feel etc
It becomes less important to me to make an image which is technically correct but totally sterile on the emotional and content side, it's a quest for a style that fits me, but for the moment, my holy grail is not yet know...
Light setup, 1 standard reflector on an Elinchrom Monobloc Rx, model in front of a white wall
Gridded striplight 140x30cm , soft, yet very directional light, fun to play with
Open reflector once again
210cm parabolic light modifier, big source but very directional en pretty flat light, looks a bit like the ring flash effect but still less flat and with directional shadow
Mua Mir Goetschalckx