Once a year I'll annoy you with my festival pictures from the exotic - Ras Tafari - "Afro-Latino" festival, sorry for this, but this blog is like my photographic diary (maybe photographic diarrhea for some)
Dj Lass & Angel Vibes :

Third World :
Mr Jimmy Cliff !

Calle 13:
Okay this guy had a lot of energy, not easy when doing concertphotography...
I don't mind a little motion blur as long as hte artist can be recognized :
I had to seek the higher ISO sensitivity (ISO 6400) to get stop motion shutter speeds (between 1/500 & 1/1000th)
Check the reflection of his hand on his Skin = Mr Energy

Also used the continuous AF mode with 3-D tracking on the full 51 points, works like a charm, even in these very low-light conditions...

Thanks to Bart "Bitbanger" Henseler for providing us with the opportunity to be part of the show
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